Thursday, August 8, 2019

Social computing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Social computing - Assignment Example Ideas of social computing are illustrated from the use of social software that include email, blogs, instant messaging, wikis, social bookmarking, and social network services among others. In deeper sense, social computing involves technologies that allow various computations to be carried out by different groups of individuals in the world where the users produce value to the new applications by contributing content, ratings, links, tags, and other software components. Web 2.0 is the concept that is related closely to social computing and is the framework of the various applications that support the process of social computing. Ozok et al (2011) affirmed that the application of social computing within organizations motivates and empowers the employees and hence creating many benefits for the businesses in the society. This study will first present the benefits of social computing at various sectors including the paradigms of mobile social computing, disadvantages and the challenges of social computing. The paper will then discuss the future prospects of the information management tools of social computing in organizations. Yang et al. (2012) observed that social computing is significant in organizations as it helps in the motivation and empowerment of employees hence resulting in successful businesses. For instance, Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) is type of social computing that provides the employees of organizations a platform to create, manage, share documents and to customize Web services hence enabling the employees to improve their services for the organizations. Social computing is important as it enables the businesses to promote their various brands of products and have a closer relationship with their customers. Chua (2007) stated that the customer relationship management (CRM) of organizations is enhanced by social computing as it gives the businesses a chance to

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