Saturday, August 17, 2019

Accounting Management Technique for Google Essay

Google, Inc. has been one of the fastest growing and profitable companies in the world. Since its inception in 1998, it has revolutionized the way the world uses the Internet. Though Google has its hands in many different projects, the classification of industry under which Google falls is simply the Internet search process. Initially, Google strived to be the â€Å"perfect search engine† (About google, n.d.). Today, they have evolved to become that and more, with application developments that are user-friendly, their form of electronic mail, and their streamlined and sleek method of helping other businesses reach their target markets with simple advertisements. Google is renowned for their exemplary customer service and providing one of the top-sought-after workplaces in the world (Smith, 2011). With simple guidelines for their practices, Google is the industry leader in user-friendly web applications. Their ten keystones for their business are all customer-focused and are aimed at being the best and fastest. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) would be the best management technique for Google to implement. Though Google is in business to make money, there are a lot of soft features associated with Google that go unaccounted for in every other management technique. Since Google is so human-dependent from the creator of the application to the end-user, it follows naturally that a management technique like the BSC would be most effective. See more: Foot Binding In China essay The financial performance should be considered, but the non-financial information like customer satisfaction, efficiency and effectiveness of the internal processes and the learning and growth portions of the BSC are most applicable to the operations at Google. Google’s fate and financial success rest heavily on their human resources. The employees they choose to hire have to be top-notch to keep Google at the top of their game. Google depends on their employees to provide superior customer service, to work in ways that are most efficient, and to keep on the edge of the needs of the people so that they can develop new ways to serve them. Being able to manage these non-financial factors effectively determines the fate of Google. References About google. (n.d.). Retrieved from Blocher, E., Stout, D., & Cokins, G. (2010). Cost management: a strategic emphasis. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Smith, J. (2011, December 15). The best companies to work for. Retrieved from companies-to-work-for/

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