Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Government's Influence on Career Choices in Public or Private Sector Research Paper

Government's Influence on Career Choices in Public or Private Sector - Research Paper Example This essay stresses that the government usually does serious marketing for the less preferred jobs such as the army. The marketing campaigns make the compensation and conditions for an average US army official very lucrative and tempting. Whenever government faces a shortage of labor, they embark to marketing just like the private sector. The continued positive branding of some careers may have an enormous impact on individual’s career choices. This paper makes a conclusion that the government international relations have an influence on an individual’s career path. Some career paths may demand that one flies to a foreign country to further studies or just to carry out the job itself. Consider a scenario where a US citizen has landed a prime job in a foreign country. If the US government is not in conducive international terms with such a country, say Iran, an individual may not have the urge to pursue his career in such a hostile foreign environment. It goes without saying the immigration department, and the federal laws governing US workers in foreign countries will not be lenient enough to make some happy to take up the job in the said country. In fact, US after warning its citizens not to head to certain places in pursuit of careers may decide to play a passive role in the case of an incidence. Therefore, international relations and government labor laws concerning working in foreign nations may have an effect on the decision one makes career wise.

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